Thursday, July 22, 2010

week 6 juxtaposition


juxtaposition is the comparision of two things. Juxtaposition is mostly used in a creative process, in order to see what's similar and what's different clearer. Sometimes juxtaposition can turn something familiar to something less familiar.

Juxtaposition Literary
Juxtaposition literary is comparing a total opposite things. For example " it's raining but i'm not taking and umbrella". the first point is " it's raing" the second point is " i'm not taking an umbrella". Sometimes comparing two different things can give you a creative ideas also.

Random Juxtaposition

Random juxtaposition is 2 random objects moving in parallel, this technique used to stimulate creativity. this method of juxtaposition is very useful, it stimulate an idea widely for example if you have 2 objects and make a comparison in many many parallel ways. so you have lots of differences and familiarity of these 2 objects.

here are some examples for you ^^

week 5 mind map in 360 degrees methods

Mind map in 360 degrees evaluation

Mind mapping using 360 degrees evaluation. A 360 degree evaluation is a popular evaluation method in the workplace. It is an evaluation method whereby people of different roles in your life evaluate you. This method mostly used in business in order to evaluate their ideas.

What's the different between 360 degrees method and convergent and divergent method?

In 360 degrees method you'll be able to see much more clearly and will able to expand your ideas more, that is why they call it 360 degrees evaluation.

some examples for you.......

Monday, July 19, 2010

week 4 mind map

What is mind map?

A mind map is a diagram used to present words, idea, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualized, structure, classify idea, as anaid to study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

What is a logical mind map?
A logical mind map talks about one particular thing. Which means in the logical mind map, whatever the writer put into their mind map whether it's word, image, or a sign, it has to be related to the main topic.

What is an associated mind map?
An associated mind map is totally different from logical mind map. It talks about one particular topic but the link to the topic doesn't have to be related to the topic. but i must hold the main idea of the topic.

stereotypes are as old as the human culture itself. They reflect ideas that groups of people hold about others who are different from them. A stereotype can be embedded in single word or phrase (such as "jock" or "nerd"), an image, or a combination of word and images. The image evoked is easily recognized and understood by others who share the same views.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

week 3 novelty, creativity, innovation, invention

what is novelty?

novelty is like a quality of being new. being new means people have never seen it before, it can be impressive to some people and at the same time some people may think it's such a bad idea. here below are some examples of novelty products.

see this product is like an an air freshener. so, when you think about something smelss good you think about flowers. so, this man made this product looks as much like a flower as possible and it actually looks pretty good a good novelty i'd say.

This product used when taking a shower. it has a light on it which makes the water looks better and perhaps the user will not need to turn on the toilet's light cause this light seems to be enough.

This product is a CD player. it shows quite a design here. some people may think that CD players are boring there are only little square shape. but now there is a CD player with a design of a car. so this is quite a good novelty as well.

what is creativity?

creativity is a new ways of doing things. your surrounding is your creativity, but it depends on you that you will use it as your creativity or not. look at your surrounding carefully with your eyes, what you see differently in it? what can you change in it? does it look like something familiar? And that's creativity. here is a video that help gives you inspiration about how to publish a good video in youtube.

This video is actually an easy idea. Everyone knows how to make people interested in your video. but how they make this video is very creative i like it a lot.

what is innovation?

innovation is a realization of a creative ideas. Innovation occur in a process of thinking about something creative. Any goods and services produced by ideas are innovation. Here is a that shows example of innovation

If you look at this video clearly it shows quite a good ways to make innovation. it says " doesn't matter the problem if you have the solution, innovation that matters" everyone knows that to complete a rubik box isn't easy. but if you have the solution in your hand you can complete a rubik in no time. And that solution is your innovation.

what is invention?

Invention is like a new idea built from an existing knowledge. invention is a product of all novelty, creativity, innovation. Or could say it as a product which created by using ideas. here is a video that shows a perfect invention. I really like it.

week 1 and 2 Defining creativity

What is Creativity?
Creativity is an ability to create something new. Can everyone be creative? i'd say yes they can because this ability can be obtained by practice. Einstein said curiosity is much more important than intelligent.Being creative is not hard
It's never difficult to be creative, but it's how you think. Many people whose think they're not creative means they're not thinking carefully. there are many ways of thinking but let's first let's see what is creative thinking
How to think creative and a process of thinking
creative thinking is a process which we use when we come up with a new idea. It is the merging of ideas which has never been merged before. brain storming is one form of creative thinking. In brain storming you are using others people ideas as an stimulus to your own.
How to think creative? thinking creative is easy like child play. you just have to believe that you are creative. think carefully look around what's going on in this world, what's new, look at your surrounding, and most important, know what you're doing.
here is the video i found in youtube which is very creative and neatly done, it really inspires me.


This is one of my picture that i took with my friend. the car behind me wasn't mine but it looks cool so my friend told me to stand besides it. it was a scary experience if the owner of the car found out that i use his car to take this picture.