Monday, July 19, 2010

week 4 mind map

What is mind map?

A mind map is a diagram used to present words, idea, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualized, structure, classify idea, as anaid to study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

What is a logical mind map?
A logical mind map talks about one particular thing. Which means in the logical mind map, whatever the writer put into their mind map whether it's word, image, or a sign, it has to be related to the main topic.

What is an associated mind map?
An associated mind map is totally different from logical mind map. It talks about one particular topic but the link to the topic doesn't have to be related to the topic. but i must hold the main idea of the topic.

stereotypes are as old as the human culture itself. They reflect ideas that groups of people hold about others who are different from them. A stereotype can be embedded in single word or phrase (such as "jock" or "nerd"), an image, or a combination of word and images. The image evoked is easily recognized and understood by others who share the same views.

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